Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect


 Course Name:
Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect
David Caruso
 Course Arrangement:
2017/04/12 - 04/21
 Course Description:
The lectures lasted for nine days and has mainly focused on the following parts: POLICE INVESTIGATION, CHARGES AND PARTY OBLIGATIONS, TRIAL FUNDAMENTALS, THE JURY IN THE CRIMINAL TRIAL, HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF CRIMINAL APPEAL IN COMMONWEALTH NATIONS, IDENTIFYING MOJ AND SECONDARY APPEALS FRAMEWORK and the MOCK TRIAL. In addition to lectures, Mr. David Caruso added a lot of discussion sessions to give students a deeper understanding of the principles and procedures of criminal proceedings in Australia.


 Course Videos:

Course:Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect

Teacher:Professor David Caruso


Course:Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect

Teacher:Professor David Caruso


Course:Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect

Teacher:Professor David Caruso


Course:Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect

Teacher:Professor David Caruso


Course:Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect

Teacher:Professor David Caruso


Course:Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect

Teacher:Professor David Caruso


Course:Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect

Teacher:Professor David Caruso


Course:Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect

Teacher:Professor David Caruso


Course:Miscarriages of Justice in Western Legal Systems: Cause, Review and Effect

Teacher:Professor David Caruso


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